
Love and Acceptance.

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Forgiveness is the kindest thing we can do for ourselves​. Every day is a gift, why waste it on  hurt and anger that only keeps one from growing?

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The Mission For All Mankind

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1. Wisdom

2. Knowledge

3. Courage

4. Social interaction

5. Intuition

6. Worship


These 7 powers when used in a positive and ethical life here on this temporary material planet Earth will help us achieve our journey of progression for eternity.  The powers that separate the evolving human from an animal

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Mind reality

Time vs Money

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Our mind is all we have in reality that is subject to our will and to our soul. Its is not so much what the mind is like as what the mind is striving to be like. It is not so much the man is conscious of God is that man yearns for God. What we are today is not so important as what we are becoming day-by-day.


Are we advancing as a society?

if aliens were to land on planet Earth tomorrow, what would they think of the progress of man? Would they see us as destructive barbarians with technology in the hand of immature children throw in  a tantrum wanting to be first? What grade would our Creator give the inhabitants of planet Earth in  our progress as a society as a whole?

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Culture is measured by social heritage of its society and the rate of cultural progress is determined by the ability of its inhabitants to understand new and advanced ideas.  We are created to be progressive advancing evolving beings in the quest to make a better civilization.

Slavery to our Traditions only produces stability and cooperation by sentimentally and emotionally linking the past with the present, but it stifles initiative and enslaves the creative power of the individual.

We must find the best minds of the world to benefit All Mankind. Not for one Country to be great but for all to live on a planet our Creator has in trusted to us.


Are we products of our the environment???


Conduct creates the value of environment and education is a factor in character development.

Our heredity, our family ancestors, lies at the bottom of all character; but the influences of an inferior environment virtually counteracts a good inheritance.

While a good environment cannot contribute much toward overcoming a flawed character,

a bad environment can spoil an excellent blood line especially during our younger years of life.

A good social environment and proper education are essential for getting the most out of a good inheritance.

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Steps to Achievement


It is time to wake up America. After the devastation of  hurricanes​ in Texas and Florida, earth quake in Mexico, the west coast on fire, the violence and division happening within our own  country, it is long over due for we as a nation to take a reality check.  As I sit here with a close family member waiting to see if she has Hodgkin’s, the 2nd family member in a 2 month time period to address this life changing circumstance, it makes u think why are there so many people sick and suffering???

The conditions we face are a test for us all, a time for self-reflection as individuals and as a nation. Hopefully we will  learn from the devastation that is happening on r planet?  I hear people say It’s the end of time or how can God let this happen?  This has nothing to do with God. We are free will beings.  The choices we make personally or as a nation will determine our lives and the future of our children and grandchildren. What goes around comes around. We have been raping and pillaging our natural resources at the expense of our health and now through the devastation of global warming. We are nature, if we pollute our planet or pollute our bodies, the results will be the same. We are all products of bad decisions of the past, but also the positive decisions. We are beginning to come together as a nation. How much more devastation will it take? In a second we can become homeless, refugees, does it matter if it is by natural conditions or war, if u are a Syrian, an American or Floridian? When we use America First as a slogan to win over hearts and votes it is a testimony to our superficial self-centered, and ignorance as Christians.

When we put material possessions, greed and power above one another and God’s creation, we will suffer. Material things can always be replaced, human life cannot. Our lives are temporary here on planet Earth and the decisions we make  are the ticket to the next.  Life is a test and Paradise is the goal, the decisions we make based on values of love and forgiveness for one another is the meter in which we will be judged.

To the power of truth and light.

Cosmic Rebellion ???

Alternate Universe

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Rebellion is the attitude of someone who knowingly resist Cosmic reality.

There are people who have a misconception or distortion of reality and there are those people who don’t have the intelligence, wisdom, or ability of self control.

When Rebellion becomes sin is so often repeated it becomes habitual.

Habitual crimes against one another, the nation, and our planet becomes iniquitous crimes against the Universe and it’s Creator.

So remember when supporting those who betrays their commitment for guidance and the welfare of his followers committing crimes against our planet  for personal greed and power, the supporter becomes part of the iniquitous crimes.


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In the sweat of your face shall you eat the fruit of the fields.

Work is not punishment, but necessary for the advancement of civilization.

It is not a curse, but a blessing to all who are permitted to enjoy the most human of all human  activities.  But slavery is a crime to society.

Don’t pay someone less than what you would be willing to do the same job for.

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The Mission For All Mankind

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How civilized are we?

Positive Energy

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Savage man loves his child, but civilized man also loves his grandchildren planning for the future of their grandchildren and the children of their grandchildren.

How do we rate as a civilized society? What condition will we leave our planet for​ our  great – great grandchildren? The condition of our planet and our love for one another is the proof of our integrity, intelligence, and understanding.  We must stop the madness, the temporary fixes and self gratification for the temporary financial gain for a better economy that is raping and destroying our planet. We are also nature that must survive to be a healthy and positive example for our children of all Mankind.

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Tune into life.

Tune in to life, do the best that you can and the results will be rewarding. Become a master at dealing with people. Move forward even when you feel that you didn’t do your best.  Be kind and show kindness.  Make someone feel good.

Each of us as an individual is responsible to be loving. There’s nothing to be gained by putting this work off. Negative energy attract negative energy and positive attract positive energy.  The question is what type of energy do you want in your life?

With every act towards your fellow human beings, your brothers and sisters  of mankind let the Lord above know you truly understand him by your actions to every person you encounter.  Our individual actions  are an  indication  of our understanding  of Christ’s mission on this planet. Is he in tune with U?

Inspiration from the Center Within

To the power of truth and light.

Time vs Money

The Tree of Life