Steps to Achievement


It is time to wake up America. After the devastation of  hurricanes​ in Texas and Florida, earth quake in Mexico, the west coast on fire, the violence and division happening within our own  country, it is long over due for we as a nation to take a reality check.  As I sit here with a close family member waiting to see if she has Hodgkin’s, the 2nd family member in a 2 month time period to address this life changing circumstance, it makes u think why are there so many people sick and suffering???

The conditions we face are a test for us all, a time for self-reflection as individuals and as a nation. Hopefully we will  learn from the devastation that is happening on r planet?  I hear people say It’s the end of time or how can God let this happen?  This has nothing to do with God. We are free will beings.  The choices we make personally or as a nation will determine our lives and the future of our children and grandchildren. What goes around comes around. We have been raping and pillaging our natural resources at the expense of our health and now through the devastation of global warming. We are nature, if we pollute our planet or pollute our bodies, the results will be the same. We are all products of bad decisions of the past, but also the positive decisions. We are beginning to come together as a nation. How much more devastation will it take? In a second we can become homeless, refugees, does it matter if it is by natural conditions or war, if u are a Syrian, an American or Floridian? When we use America First as a slogan to win over hearts and votes it is a testimony to our superficial self-centered, and ignorance as Christians.

When we put material possessions, greed and power above one another and God’s creation, we will suffer. Material things can always be replaced, human life cannot. Our lives are temporary here on planet Earth and the decisions we make  are the ticket to the next.  Life is a test and Paradise is the goal, the decisions we make based on values of love and forgiveness for one another is the meter in which we will be judged.

To the power of truth and light.

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