
Love and Acceptance.

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Forgiveness is the kindest thing we can do for ourselves​. Every day is a gift, why waste it on  hurt and anger that only keeps one from growing?

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The Mission For All Mankind

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1. Wisdom

2. Knowledge

3. Courage

4. Social interaction

5. Intuition

6. Worship


These 7 powers when used in a positive and ethical life here on this temporary material planet Earth will help us achieve our journey of progression for eternity.  The powers that separate the evolving human from an animal

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Mind reality

Time vs Money

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Our mind is all we have in reality that is subject to our will and to our soul. Its is not so much what the mind is like as what the mind is striving to be like. It is not so much the man is conscious of God is that man yearns for God. What we are today is not so important as what we are becoming day-by-day.



An undue concentration of oneself or one nation certainly will lead to fear in a nonevolutionary  progress in our hopes of finding advancement in death

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Cosmic Rebellion ???

Alternate Universe

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Rebellion is the attitude of someone who knowingly resist Cosmic reality.

There are people who have a misconception or distortion of reality and there are those people who don’t have the intelligence, wisdom, or ability of self control.

When Rebellion becomes sin is so often repeated it becomes habitual.

Habitual crimes against one another, the nation, and our planet becomes iniquitous crimes against the Universe and it’s Creator.

So remember when supporting those who betrays their commitment for guidance and the welfare of his followers committing crimes against our planet  for personal greed and power, the supporter becomes part of the iniquitous crimes.


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The Road to Success

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In these times of personal, national and our planet in turmoil imagine Jesus is standing next to you all day.  You explaining by your words, acts, and thoughts that you understand His Word.  What would you say to those you come in contact with? What energy are you sending out to another fellow human being? Are you channeling love and respect? Are you sincere and direct when you talk even to a friend sending positive energy?  This is  a hard thing for me since I’m such a smart-ass with my wise cracks, sarcasm, and teasing.

Today, with people having the view of just telling it like it is or just being real, just speaking the truth is in many cases plain ignorance and rudeness. Speaking the truth can be done without hurting someone else.  Sometimes the truth of what you are saying hurts another is in no way meant or said in away to be hurtful but said in A helpful way to help someone self-reflect.

This new time of so-called truth of crudeness and rudeness is dividing our nation and alienating us from many different nations. I don’t know about you but I have the desire to go to other places and learn about other people. I don’t want someone else’s comments to jeopardize my safety here or abroad. Its a two way street.

We will have disagreements and there will be those that are different from us and yes there will be radicals and extremist. History has shown  radicalism has been going on since the beginning of times, barbarians murdering for one reason or the other, mainly because they think they are superior to others. It is time that we progressed as a society and quit this animistic behavior. Haven’t we learned from history? Our ancestors lives were lost due to religious, extremist, and materialistic greed of war upon war from ancient times.  All the ancient written books were written and manipulated to benefit man who was writing at the time.

There will be those who personally choose not to believe  in the almighty Superpower above, driven by ego, superiority,  materialism, extremism and even patriotism  who will one day in a great time of pain or desperate need call on their Father above. We will all have that unknown  time in our life when we call upon God,will he know you?

So I ask you to join me walking with my brother, Jesus, on the enlightening path from this temporary material world to the realities of eternity.

To the power of truth and light

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Me time by Author Renee Smith – The Mission For All Mankind coming soon!



Visit my publisher, dpInk: DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. to order, “Mission For All Mankind.”

If man could give up their lower levels of thinking, the negative unproductive feelings of worry, jealousy, pride and revenge to take the time spent on these every day negative emotions and clear our minds from the burdens of everyday living. To take 10 minutes a day to free the mind and connect to the higher currents of communication.

Sounds easy?  Try it. Go alone into a quiet place where you can’t be distracted, no phone, TV or Internet, just complete silence. have no thoughts, no sounds, or smell.  You may not feel anything, but if routinely practiced it will be a  time of connection, a time of love and guidance, a time for recharging your energy to go out and be a productive mature adult.

Time is money, unfortunately not ours by Author Renee Smith – Mission For All Mankind.

Time vs Money

The United States has come a long way in a short period of time, mainly because  of the exploitation of the people and not because of the successful abilities of the exploiters that we call big business.  We have progressed on the backs of the poor looking for a better life, but to find a better life we must take the time to look inside.. We must learn to say no to unreasonable work schedules and temptations. We cannot change history  but we can change the future and choose not to repeat it.

Our lives are so short, our children are little for such a short period of time,  it is robery to let the pirates of our society, the material dictators,  take away all of your time especially for low wages. We are now entering into a place of no return. The few % of the Haves  have the Have Nots by the balls.

The exploitation of the weak of our planet has to end it goes against all laws of nature.  This is nothing new, but we are going backwards as a society. Big business has us where they want us at there feet begging. Is it too late to correct the abuse or are we going to stay in this dysfunctional relationship???

PARENTHOOD, by Renee Smith Author of Mission For All Mankind

The Road to Success

God the Father is always there supporting his children with love and giving on a spiritual level.  We may  not always find the immediate rewards we are looking for, but he is always there.

Many of us in our everyday life forget about our Father. He does not forget about us.  He knows what is best for us as we know what is best for our children. Rewards may come slow, but they will come if it is  right for you as an individual. Sometimes a good parent just has to standby and watch their children make mistakes in order for them to learn and grow to be a responsible adult.

Those who build a personal relationship with our Father will find the rewards the greatest.

Don’t let the greatness of eternity and the overwhelming thought of infinity discourage you for God is in everyone of us, because of him is why we exist.

Inspired by The Center Within.


The World is Our OysterWe of this temporary planet live under the darkness of political and economic exploitation. The exploiters have it down to a sophisticated  science.  We as a universal society are  to the point that our children and those yet not born will be defenseless against a commercial dictatorship.

Life here has little to do with materialism?  Much of our free time is spent on how to get more stuff and how we can exploit weaker  less fortunate individuals in order to get more stuff..

This must change as a planet our current values are going against the laws of natural progress. This must take place in the individual’s heart, one at a time, one by one we will turn to God for he is the answer to our problems that we face.  Not by our governments or organizations formed but by the personal. change within one’s mind.